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        Afton Clarke-Sather

            Afton Clarke-Sather 

          (formerly Sather-Knutsen)
          Department of Geography of University of Delaware
          223 Pearson Hall, Newark DE 19716
          302-831-2344 Office · 302-384-0732 Mobile



          2012   Ph.D. in Geography, University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder, CO Subfields: Political Ecology, Political Geography, and Geography of China         

          2007   M.S.  in Environmental Policy, Michigan Technological University, Houghton, MI                                                  

          2004   B.A. in Politics with Honors in Major Study, Whitman College, Walla Walla, WA  


            2012-Present Assistant Professor, Dept. of Geogra phy, University of Delaware, Newark, DE.
            2009-2010 Visiting Scholar, Scientific Information Center for Environment and Resources,Chinese Academy of Sciences, Lanzhou, China
            2009-2011 Instructor, Dept. of Geography, University of Colorado, Boulder, CO

            2007-2012 Teaching Assistant, Dept. of Geography, University of Colorado, Boulder, CO

        Peer Reviewed Publication    

            Clarke-Sather, A. (in review) State Power and Domestic Water Provision in Semi-arid Northwest China: Towards an Aleatory Political Ecology Political Geography
            Clarke-Sather, A. (in review). Hydrosocial Governance and Agricultural Development in Semi-Arid Northwest China. In Negotiating Water Governance: Why the politics of scale matter. Ed. E. Norman, C. Cook, and A. Cohen. London: Ashgate.
            Clarke-Sather, A. 2012 “State development and the rescaling of agricultural hydrosocial governance in semi-arid Northwest China.” Water Alternatives 5 (1) pp 98-188.
            Clarke-Sather, A. and B. Solomon. 2012.“Grantocracy: Conservation grant-making and the territorialization of neoliberalism in Michigan’s Keweenaw Peninsula.” Geoforum 43 (1) pp. 68-80.

        Professional Service

          2014 Reviewer for Energy Policy
          2013 Reviewer for Energy Policy, Energy Efficiency
          2013 Panelist for National Science Foundation, Directorate of Social, Behavioral, and Economic Sciences
          2012 Reviewer for Water Alternatives